Saturday, October 03, 2009

Home Grown Hot Sauce

Abbie and I love to cook together today we where adventurous we made "slap your mamma hot, hot sauce"...

Abbie helped pick the peppers and stir the pot (while holding her nose). It was really easy but boy did the house smell spicy.

1/3 pound of your favorite fresh hot peppers (You can use a single variety or mix them)
1/2 cup distilled white vinegar (5% acidity)
1/3 teaspoon pickling salt*
Wearing disposable, powder free, latex, protective gloves, cut the peppers in half, (optional: remove and discard the membranes and seeds.) 
Using a food processor, finely chop the peppers and put them in a large pot. 
Add the vinegar and salt. 
Simmer gently for 5 minutes over medium heat. (Open all the doors and windows and turn your stove's vent fan on "high"!) 
Using a wide mouth plastic funnel, ladle the mixture into a large heatproof sterilized glass jar or several small heatproof sterilized glass jars with non-corrosive lids. 
Store the bottles in a cool dark place for one year. 
Using a small mouth plastic funnel, ladle the sauce in small sterilized glass jars or bottles. 
It will keep indefinitely in your refrigerator.

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